What We Do

Focus on Fathers (FOF) helps fathers, ages 16 and older, to develop and maintain a healthy, positive involvement in their children’s lives. We provide the following direct services in Philadelphia: 

  • Case management 
  • Parent education courses
  • Healthy relationship education courses
  • Job readiness training and job-seeking help
  • Father-Child events
  • Financial counseling
  • Relationship counseling

Case management
Our case managers provide services tailored to your needs and goals. We meet with you in a location that is convenient for you, including your home, restaurants, public locations and our offices. During the first meeting, we will work with you to set up goals you want to achieve with our help. Following the first meeting, we will be in contact with you at least every other week and will meet in-person at least once a month for up to six months. You can choose to stop participating in our program at any point in time. 

Parenting education courses
We provide a 13-session parenting course for fathers at locations throughout Philadelphia, using the evidence-based 24/7 Dad curriculum. Topics include child development, managing feelings, positive communication, parental roles, positive discipline, co-parenting, custody and child support, managing conflict, men’s health and the importance of employment. 

As class locations can change from time-to-time, please make sure to check out our Classes and Events page or contact us for upcoming class schedules and locations. 

All fathers that complete the parenting education course (attend 10 or more sessions) will receive a certificate of completion and a $50 gift card. If you attend all 13 sessions you will also receive a certificate of perfect attendance and an exclusive Focus on Fathers t-shirt. We offer refreshments at every session and may be able to assist you with transportation and child care under certain circumstances. 

Healthy relationship courses
In addition to parenting education for fathers, we offer a 12-session healthy relationship/co-parenting course at locations throughout Philadelphia. Topics include positive family dynamics, child development, how children impact relationships, teamwork, anger and abuse, family values, dealing with conflict and forgiveness. 

As class locations can change from time-to-time, please make sure to check out our Classes and Events page or contact us at for upcoming class schedules and locations. 

Everyone who completes the healthy relationship education course (attends 9 or more sessions) will receive a certificate of completion and a $50 gift card. If you attend all 12 sessions you will also receive a certificate of perfect attendance and a $10 gift card. 

Father-Child events
All fathers who are currently enrolled in our classes and those who were in the past are invited to father-child events throughout the year. These events provide opportunities for you to enhance the relationship with your children through a variety of activities. Some of our events include local sports games, museum visits, picnics, etc. You are encouraged to bring your children and your children’s mother(s). Alternatively, you can also invite other fathers you may know and their children. 

Financial counseling
We offer financial counseling to fathers and couples through our partner Clarifi. Clarifi can assist you with budgeting, repairing your credit, showing you how to begin to save or other financial needs you may have. 

Relationship counseling
We offer relationship counseling through a partnership with Council for Relationships (CFR). CFR provides counseling sessions that address your individual needs and circumstances and is free, voluntary and open to any fathers in Philadelphia. 




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